Design Group Based In NC, With A Mission To Build A Better Tomorrow Through Software

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We collaborate with Clean Energy teams to craft accessible Human/Machine Interfaces that increase  scalability and Efficiency.

We're on a mission to empower energy and environmental change makers like you to make a significant impact through the power of software. The energy crisis our planet is facing is an urgent concern, and we believe that by making major updates to existing systems, we can contribute to building a healthier tomorrow. Our commitment is twofold: to develop products that benefit the world as a whole, while also delivering enduring business value that sustains your success for decades to come. Together, we can create a better environment for the next generation, and we're eager to take on this challenge. Discover more about our dedicated team, our mission, and our company by following the link below.

Meet The Team & Learn About Us
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Based in NC, With A Mission To Build A Greater Tomorrow With Software
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At our core, we are a team driven by a passion for creating positive change in the energy and environmental landscape through software innovation. Our company culture fosters collaboration, creativity, and a deep sense of purpose. We believe that by harnessing the power of technology, we can pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable future.As stewards of the environment, we are committed to practicing what we preach. We prioritize sustainability and environmental consciousness within our own operations, striving to minimize our carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices. We believe that by leading by example, we can inspire others to embrace a healthier and more environmentally conscious approach.Our team is comprised of talented individuals who share a common goal: to make a meaningful impact on the world we live in. We work hand in hand, leveraging our diverse expertise and perspectives to develop cutting-edge solutions that address pressing environmental challenges. We foster an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone's ideas are valued, and teamwork is at the heart of everything we do.
Will Breen
Founder & UX Director
I've helped six startups raise $10+ million in total funding over two years, using my creative software skills to boost their growth and success. With nearly a decade in design, my goal is always to create data-driven and enjoyable user experiences. In the last five years, I've grown a successful freelancing career, managing and collaborating with hundreds of talent globally.
Lucas Pham
Co-Founder & Principal Engineer
He serves as a Principal Engineer tasked with developing proprietary observability systems. His projects demand secure handling and storage of confidential product data. This involves protecting information during interactions between the company and external parties, as well as among different teams and departments within the organization.
Danmark Guarin
Developer & Designer
Dan is proficient in tools such as Webflow, Zapier, and Relume, collaborating with founder Will Breen for close to two years. Dan focuses on client-centered solutions and forming successful partnerships. His front-end development skills allow for adding custom-coded features to projects. As a team player, Dan values both personal and professional growth, contributing to collective success.